Webservices - Max. index for postings

Customer, Supplier and Finance postings are stored with an Index no. The index is increased by one for each posting that is stored. This webservice is used to retrieve the highest index finance, customer and supplier postings.


This webservice would be used to initialize external programs that retrieve postings. Afterwards the external program can retrieve postings using Webservices - Postings (By Index)


03 August,2022




   "Proxy": {   















   "CustomerPostings": 1,

   "SupplierPostings": 0,

   "FinancePostings": 3,

   "WebserviceInfo": {


      "Version": 1,

      "Build": 2073


   "AuthenticationType": "SYSTEM",

   "ErrorCode": 0,

   "ErrorText": "",

   "Success": true,

   "Proxy": {

   "AgentName": "WSPROXY",

   "AgentVersion": "1.80.1210 x86-64",

   "AgentCopyright": "Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Torben Ring. All rights reserved.",

   "ErrorCode": 0,

   "Success": true

